
Articles & Videos

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For your reference


1. Safe Focusing With Almost Any Partner

by Ann Weiser Cornell is a simple and short piece offering guidance on safe partnership practice.

2. Don’t Go It Alone

by Joan Klagsbrun and Lynn Preston was first published in the Psychotherapy Networker. It discusses what a valuable resource partnership practice is for therapists.

3. Partnership Practice Etiquette

by Jeffrey Morrison. We are learning how to be with each other in an open and respectful way. Here are my thoughts fostering mutual respect, safe boundaries, and empowerment in the dyad.

4.  Guidelines for Partnerships for Both Focuser & Listener

by Renee La Roi and Greg Madison. This article takes a closer look at self-care for the listener (companion), during dyad sessions.

5. Navigating Strong Reactions While Focusing

by Jeffrey Morrison. I describe several kinds of process that may interfere with a Focusing session and what you can do about it.

6. Chapter One, Focusing in Clinical Practice

by Ann Weiser Cornell is a wonderful overview of the Focusing process in the context of therapy. This book is required reading in the first-year program.

7. Eugene Gendlin + Carl Rogers

The last article is a Forward Gene Gendlin wrote for a book on his Psychotherapy mentor Carl Rogers. It is provided to you as a link to the Gendlin Library. I reread it recently and felt it will give you a bit of background on the research that led to Focusing.


1. Eugene Gendlin + The Felt Sense

Eugene Gendlin shares his perspective on the Felt Sense, the body, and the situation.

2. Eugene Gendlin + Carl Rogers

Eugene Gendlin speaks about what he learned from Rogers while answering questions at the 2006 Focusing Institute summer School.
